Most of us have heard about the African Wild Dog? Yes the same notorious hooligans who eat their prey alive. Well, their cruel mannerism has its own explanation. However, there is plenty to learn from the greatest hunter in the world. Wild dogs lead the rankings with a success rate of 80%. While, the Lion, “The king of the jungle!” seems a moderate hunter with a mere 30% success rate. Let us try and analyze and derive some inspiration from this hard taskmaster!
Wild dogs display the best example of team work Their bushy tails with white tips serve as a flag to keep the pack in contact while hunting. Team work and intelligence enable these master hunters to bring down prey as large as Wildebeests.
They often observe their prey for days before the kill, and communication plays a vital role. The dogs have a peculiar playful ceremony that bonds them for a common purpose and initiates each hunt. They start circulating among the other pack members, vocalizing and touching until they get excited and are ready to hunt. They begin hunting in an organized, cooperative manner. When they target the prey, some dogs run close to the animal, while others follow behind, taking over when the leader is tired. Thus exhausting the preys stamina and not theirs!
And we thought we were the bright ones? We attend vast curriculums and take years to develop essential skills like Team Work, Motivation, Communication and Planning. The same life skills that are available quite naturally. All we need to do is look within, as it is all in there. Nature has gifted us with everything we need to survive and succeed. And when we forget, simply look around…We might just learn from the spider struggling to climb the wall!
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